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AHC Hydra B5 Toner

AHC Hydra B5 Toner

SKU: 0500

Effective pharmaceutical grade ingredients combined with skin-friendly, naturally derived ingredients to make your skin looking and feeling softer, smoother and radiantly hydrated.Trans-Liposomal technology to safely deliver active ingredients to skinClinically proven to instantly improve skin hydration by 33% with immediate soothing effect. Improve skin redness by 5% after 2 weeks use.Dispense an appropriate amount onto a cotton pad and gently wipe along the contours of the skin, or allow the product to be absorbed naturally.



有效的医药级成分与亲肤的天然成分相结合,让您的肌肤看起来和感觉更柔软、更光滑、容光焕发、水润。转脂质体技术可将活性成分安全地输送至皮肤。临床证明可立即改善皮肤水分 33%,并具有即时舒缓效果。 使用 2 周后,皮肤发红现象改善 5%。取适量于化妆棉上,沿着肌肤轮廓轻轻擦拭,或让产品自然吸收。

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  • Return & Refund Policy

    You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of receiving for a full refund. We do not accept return if its original packing box is opened.

  • Shipping Info

    For pick up in store:

    Store address and business time:

    1111 Saint-Urbain, Unit R17

    Montreal, QC H2Z 1Y6

    Wednesday - Monday / 11:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed on Tuesday and Holidays)

    Please wait for notification before picking up your order. (Estimated waiting time: within 2 days). Your order confirmation and ID will be needed for pickup.


    For local delivery in Montreal:

    Estimated delivery time: within 2 days


    For standard shipping:

    Estimated shipping time: within 2 days

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