Gree Central Air Conditioner(-30°C), 60000 BTU (cooling and heating)
Canada’s cold climate means that space heating accounts for a remarkable 61 % of the energy used in the average Canadian home. In commercial and institutional settings, space heating accounts for 56 % of energy use.
The challenge of heat pumps has long been their efficiency at low outdoor temperatures. To face this challenge, GREE has developed core, patented technologies, which include:
• Low Temperature Two-stage Compressor
• Full 3-DC Inverter
• Bridge-free Digital PFC ControlThese enable GREE heat pumps to heat and cool in extreme climates, -30 ⁰C for heating, 46 ⁰C for cooling, helping Canadians save up to 70 % in energy compared to conventional electric heating systems.
Outdoor unit: 60000BTU
Indoor unit air volume: 1600 CFM
Power supply (V/Ph/Hz): 208-230/1/60
SEER: 17
HSPF: 10
Operating temperature (°C): -30~48
Standard installation included
Product Info
Canada’s cold climate means that space heating accounts for a remarkable 61 % of the energy used in the average Canadian home. In commercial and institutional settings, space heating accounts for 56 % of energy use.
The challenge of heat pumps has long been their efficiency at low outdoor temperatures. To face this challenge, GREE has developed core, patented technologies, which include:
• Low Temperature Two-stage Compressor
• Full 3-DC Inverter
• Bridge-free Digital PFC ControlThese enable GREE heat pumps to heat and cool in extreme climates, -30 ⁰C for heating, 46 ⁰C for cooling, helping Canadians save up to 70 % in energy compared to conventional electric heating systems.
Outdoor unit: 60000BTU
Indoor unit air volume: 1600 CFM
Power supply (V/Ph/Hz): 208-230/1/60
SEER: 17
HSPF: 10
Operating temperature (°C): -30~48
Standard installation included
Return & Refund Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of receiving for a full refund. We do not accept return if its original packing box is opened.
Shipping Info
For pick up in store:
Store address and business time:
1111 Saint-Urbain, Unit R17
Montreal, QC H2Z 1Y6
Wednesday - Monday / 11:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed on Tuesday and Holidays)
Please wait for notification before picking up your order. (Estimated waiting time: within 2 days). Your order confirmation and ID will be needed for pickup.
For local delivery in Montreal:
Estimated delivery time: within 2 days
For standard shipping:
Estimated shipping time: within 2 days