MOIST DIANE Botanical Moist Treatment
Gentle cleanses and hydrates hair and scalp 5x more than regular shampoos for healthy-looking hair.
No silicones, sulphates or parabens with more than 90% natural ingredients.
Safe for babies and sensitive skin.
A blend of japanese botanical extracts.Retains moisture & softens dry hair.
比普通洗发水多 5 倍的作用,温和地清洁和滋润头发和头皮,让头发看起来健康。
不含有机硅、硫酸盐或对羟基苯甲酸酯,含有超过 90% 的天然成分。
采用意大利Tuscan 地区的有机橄榄油制成,可自然清洁头发和敏感头皮,无刺激。
The precious crops grown in Japan give rise to premium botanical extracts that are abundant with key nutrients for healthy hair and scalp.
Rice Peptides along with Green Pea and Honey, help to condition hair from the inside out, delivering moisture and vitamins.
Made with organic olive oil from the Tuscan region in Italy that naturally cleanses hair and sensitive scalp without irritation.
Product Info
Return & Refund Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of receiving for a full refund. We do not accept return if its original packing box is opened.
Shipping Info
For pick up in store:
Store address and business time:
1111 Saint-Urbain, Unit R17
Montreal, QC H2Z 1Y6
Wednesday - Monday / 11:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed on Tuesday and Holidays)
Please wait for notification before picking up your order. (Estimated waiting time: within 2 days). Your order confirmation and ID will be needed for pickup.
For local delivery in Montreal:
Estimated delivery time: within 2 days
For standard shipping:
Estimated shipping time: within 2 days