Thor kitchen 36" Counter Depth French Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator
- Features LED lighting throughout interior and under fresh food doors spotlights foods inside
- Turbo Cool and Turbo Freeze settings–extra boost of cold air restores interior to set temperature for optimum food freshness
- External electronic digital temperature display with French doors
- Refrigerator Capacity: 15 cu. ft. and Freezer Capacity: 5.3 cu. ft.
- Stainless steel finish measures 36″W x 27.8″D x 69.9″H
Product Info
36 inch freestanding refrigerator featuring French door design, LED lighting, temperature display, and stainless steel finish. This counter-depth French door refrigerator provides ideal humid yet chilly conditions for fresh foods, along with dry, frigid air for frozen and convenience foods.
The air purification system scrubs the air of ethylene gas, bacteria, mold and viruses. Bright LED lighting allows better interior views. Capacity for the TKF3601U is a generous 15.0 cu. ft. refrigerator, 5.3 cu. ft. freezer.
Return & Refund Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of receiving for a full refund. We do not accept return if its original packing box is opened.
Shipping Info
For pick up in store:
Store address and business time:
1111 Saint-Urbain, Unit R17
Montreal, QC H2Z 1Y6
Wednesday - Monday / 11:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed on Tuesday and Holidays)
Please wait for notification before picking up your order. (Estimated waiting time: within 2 days). Your order confirmation and ID will be needed for pickup.
For local delivery in Montreal:
Curbside delivery, estimated delivery time: within 2 days
For standard shipping:
Estimated shipping time: within 2 days